David and Goliath

15751404There are books some of us come across and we feel some kind of connection and innate understanding to… apart from the Bible, David and Goliath by Malcolm Gladwell is that book for me.

I’m not one to hype things but this is an exception for me. I feel everyone should read this book. It talks about things that we may already know and are seemingly obvious but it gives a refreshing perspective on how  to view tough situations and ordeals.

Gladwell explains the whole dynamic of the David and Goliath effect; the improbable victory of David and the unbelievable defeat of a Goliath. This book through research and application shows the advantages of disadvantages and the disadvantages of advantages using stories of people from various walks of life and personal struggles.

A very good read, very easy to read too… at least in my opinion.

Have you read this book? If so, leave a comment. Im interested in hearing your thoughts about it and if you haven’t grab your copy!!

Published by Jane Odah

Hey there!! I'm Jane, Welcome to my blog. For the longest time, i have always appreciated "perception" and its power in general. We as people differ from each other to a large degree, socially, physically, mentally.  We tend to see things differently owing to our own backgrounds and experiences, we might be so enclosed in our very own bubble that we don't necessarily see the light of issues from another's perspective and sometimes sharing our own perspective on topics that affect us allow us to learn more for ourselves and others as we see things from the eyes of others. This is mine...

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